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Mourning Crimson - 2013 - Night Serenade [Single] 2013 - Night Serenade [Single]

lyrics mp3 video
1. Night Serenade lyrics
2. Alone lyrics video
3. Night Serenade (Sympho version) lyrics
4. Night Serenade (Sympho version + choir) lyrics

Mourning Crimson - 2010 - The City in the Sea [VideoSingle] 2010 - The City in the Sea [VideoSingle]

lyrics mp3 video
1. The City in the Sea lyrics mp3 video

Dedicated to the memory of talented American actor Vincent Price, who played in many screen adaptations of Edgar Poe.
Frames are used in the video from the film adaptation of the same name. Narrated Vincent Price

Music by Irina Inferno Mahina (ex-member), Sammaell, Scorn. Lyrics by Edgar Poe.
Recorded at December 2009.
Engineered and mixed by Scorn.
Produced by Mourning Crimson.

Mourning Crimson - 2009 - Spirits of... [Promo] 2009 - Spirits of... [Promo]

lyrics mp3 video
1. You will live eternally in me lyrics mp3 video
2. Ulalume - A Ballad lyrics mp3
3. Spirits of the Dead lyrics mp3 video
4. The Sleeper lyrics mp3 video

All songs by Scorn. Lyrics by Edgar Poe.
Arranged by Mourning Crimson, except solo on 'Ulalume - A Ballad' by ex-member Irina Kapelko, solo on 'Spirits of the Dead' by ex-member Stanislav Arhipov.

Recorded at September 2009.
Engineered and mixed by Alexey 'Kondrath' Kondratenko [Solarward].
Produced by Mourning Crimson.

Previous live shows :
21 sep. 2013
Metal fest 21.09.2013
20 may. 2012 Svitannie Zmroku
18 dec. 2011
Gothic Party в Замке Риттербург
17 dec. 2011
Любимый трек
You will live eternally in me
The City in the Sea
Spirits of the Dead
The Sleeper
Ulalume - A Ballad
Night Serenade